Praise God! I am pleased to talk about this topic always, and most glad that I am sharing it with you this time. Many people have misunderstood the letters of the Apostle Paul, especially when it comes to issues about women and ministry and marriage as well. In fact, the Apostle Peter says that the many, even during his time, could not understand Paul's letters. (2 Peter 3:15-16)
Here are some of the scriptures that are wrongly understood.
(1 Corinthians 14:34) Paul instructs women not to speak in church, and again in (1 Corinthians 11: 5) he instructs women to cover their heads when praying and prophesying (Preaching or Teaching in the church), and in verse (1 Corinthians 11:3) he tells us that the husband is the head of his wife.
Let us understand here, that Paul is not referring the head to a part of the human body. He is referring to the husband, who is the head of the wife. And the wife is commanded not unveil her husband in her sermon to the church, but to portray Christ. in (1 Corinthians 11:4) the man is commanded not to cover his head when praying and prophesying, and the head of the man is Christ Jesus Himself. If I will base on this, Paul says a woman can preach, but must not uncover her husband. And Paul writing this letter, he was addressing the "order in the church and public". And the gift of prophesy is for edifying the church (1 Corinthians 14:3-4). If the women are told to cover their bodily heads, then why does Paul in (1 Corinthians 11:15) say that the woman's hair is her covering?
If language means something, is there a difference between the word "Speaking and (Prophesying/teaching/preaching)?
Throughout Scripture, we have seen vivid examples of women in ministry.
In Romans 16:1. Phoebe was a deacon in the church in Cenchrea.
In Luke 2:36, Anna was a prophet, and in verse 38, she talked about Jesus to everyone who was waiting for this King.
In Luke 8:47, this woman could not keep silent, after the master Himself asking her to speak. She felt the fire burning inside of her, the fire that would only be quenched after speaking out. And the crowd heard her words. She preached the good news, that Jesus saves and heals completely. How will she keep quiet when it burning inside of her?
In John 4:28, a woman went and preached to the whole village about the messiah who had come. In verse 42, they believed in Jesus when they saw Him. But how will the believe if they we not told and how will they tell unless they were sent (Romans 10:14-15). She led them to Jesus! What an act, countless people today are led to Christ by t he witness of women!
In John 20:17-18, a woman named Mary preached the good news about the resurrection of Christ to the disciples. This puzzles me, why didn't the angel go to the disciples first?
How about Deborah in the Old Testament, who was a prophet and a judge (Judges 4:4-5)
How about Rahab, whom God used to hide the spies in Jericho? Though she was a prostitute, she is one of the ancestors of Jesus, a woman whose faith was talked about by the Apostles in Hebrews 11:31. The faith and courage of Manoah's wife (Judges 13) Hannah (1 Samuel 1) Abigail (1 Samuel 25:31-35) Ruth was the Grandmother of King David from whose line comes the Messiah.
How we be so blind to realize that we are the last days, and that prophesy must be fulfilled as the Prophet Joel says, in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass that afterward, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men shall see visions" And these are the days that God spoke of through His prophet.
God calls women to preach the gospel. There is no scripture in the bible that forbids women from preaching and teaching in the church, or outside of the church. We are all accountable to God, and we all belong to God. If God gives the grace, go and and preach, start a church and pastor it, and inflict fatal wounds on the devil. The one who lives in men, that same Spirit lives in women as well. And He is greater than all. He enables us all to do greater works.
Men, let your wives serve their Lord and Savior, he has given them freedom to take forth the message of salvation to the whole earth, to harvest souls for the master.
Until then, I love you all.
May the peace of God reign.
Here are some of the scriptures that are wrongly understood.
(1 Corinthians 14:34) Paul instructs women not to speak in church, and again in (1 Corinthians 11: 5) he instructs women to cover their heads when praying and prophesying (Preaching or Teaching in the church), and in verse (1 Corinthians 11:3) he tells us that the husband is the head of his wife.
Let us understand here, that Paul is not referring the head to a part of the human body. He is referring to the husband, who is the head of the wife. And the wife is commanded not unveil her husband in her sermon to the church, but to portray Christ. in (1 Corinthians 11:4) the man is commanded not to cover his head when praying and prophesying, and the head of the man is Christ Jesus Himself. If I will base on this, Paul says a woman can preach, but must not uncover her husband. And Paul writing this letter, he was addressing the "order in the church and public". And the gift of prophesy is for edifying the church (1 Corinthians 14:3-4). If the women are told to cover their bodily heads, then why does Paul in (1 Corinthians 11:15) say that the woman's hair is her covering?
If language means something, is there a difference between the word "Speaking and (Prophesying/teaching/preaching)?
Throughout Scripture, we have seen vivid examples of women in ministry.
In Romans 16:1. Phoebe was a deacon in the church in Cenchrea.
In Luke 2:36, Anna was a prophet, and in verse 38, she talked about Jesus to everyone who was waiting for this King.
In Luke 8:47, this woman could not keep silent, after the master Himself asking her to speak. She felt the fire burning inside of her, the fire that would only be quenched after speaking out. And the crowd heard her words. She preached the good news, that Jesus saves and heals completely. How will she keep quiet when it burning inside of her?
In John 4:28, a woman went and preached to the whole village about the messiah who had come. In verse 42, they believed in Jesus when they saw Him. But how will the believe if they we not told and how will they tell unless they were sent (Romans 10:14-15). She led them to Jesus! What an act, countless people today are led to Christ by t he witness of women!
In John 20:17-18, a woman named Mary preached the good news about the resurrection of Christ to the disciples. This puzzles me, why didn't the angel go to the disciples first?
How about Deborah in the Old Testament, who was a prophet and a judge (Judges 4:4-5)
How about Rahab, whom God used to hide the spies in Jericho? Though she was a prostitute, she is one of the ancestors of Jesus, a woman whose faith was talked about by the Apostles in Hebrews 11:31. The faith and courage of Manoah's wife (Judges 13) Hannah (1 Samuel 1) Abigail (1 Samuel 25:31-35) Ruth was the Grandmother of King David from whose line comes the Messiah.
How we be so blind to realize that we are the last days, and that prophesy must be fulfilled as the Prophet Joel says, in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass that afterward, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men shall see visions" And these are the days that God spoke of through His prophet.
God calls women to preach the gospel. There is no scripture in the bible that forbids women from preaching and teaching in the church, or outside of the church. We are all accountable to God, and we all belong to God. If God gives the grace, go and and preach, start a church and pastor it, and inflict fatal wounds on the devil. The one who lives in men, that same Spirit lives in women as well. And He is greater than all. He enables us all to do greater works.
Men, let your wives serve their Lord and Savior, he has given them freedom to take forth the message of salvation to the whole earth, to harvest souls for the master.
Until then, I love you all.
May the peace of God reign.
Please pray and ask God to open your eyes, Also please read the full context of the scriptures that you are reviewing.